Analyzing and Evaluating Professional Development of Iranian AZFA Teachers: Through Collaborative Action Research

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate in Teaching Persian to Speakers of Other Languages, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Corresponding Author, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.



Action Research is a powerful tool in empowering teachers, enabling them to actively participate in professional learning in order to improve their performance. The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of Collaborative Action Research on the professional development of Iranian AZFA teachers. It was a mixed-method study with a focus on Collaborative Action Research. 20 Iranian AZFA teachers were selected from AZFA centers across the country through Convenience sampling. The Skype platform was selected to hold online classes. Professional development online classes were held once a week for 90 minutes. This course started in May 2022 and lasted until October 2022. Participants participated in these classes and benefited from each other's experiences in solving educational and classroom problems. Data gathered using questionnaires, field notes, professional journals, reflective journals, Action research projects and "semi-structured" interviews. MAXQDA software was used to analyze qualitative data and SPSS version 26 software was used to analyze quantitative data. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis showed that Collaborative Action Research was effective in scientific awareness, cultural awareness, emotional development and metacognitive development of teachers, as well as changing the attitude of teachers towards the profession and participation in the Action Research project.
Extended Abstract:
An increasing amount of studies suggest that one way to improve teaching and learning is to involve teachers in doing research in their classrooms (Casanova, 1989; Darling-Hammond, 1996). Educational researchers claim that teachers who implement action research are better informed about their field (Bennett, 1993), begin to gain a better understanding of themselves as teachers, and as a result of engagement in action research, they’ll make better decisions and choices on how to behave (Ogberg & McCutcheon, 1987).
According to Hendricks (2006), collaborative action research is a form of action research through which researchers work together to study and investigate educational problems in different educational contexts (Chou, 2010:2729).
The benefits of collaborative action research have been mentioned in several studies (Mitchell et al, 2009). Among the advantages of collaborative action research, the following can be mentioned:

Develop their intellectual capacities (Balach & Syzmanski, 2003).
Foster teachers’ levels of self-efficacy and empowerment (Farrell, 2003).
Support professional development (Capobianco & Joyal, 2008).
Select and refine more efficient practices (Mitchell, Reilly, Bramwell, Solnosky & Lilly, 2004).
Obviating burnout (Allan & Miller, 1990).

In this study, we seek to find out whether conducting collaborative action research affects the professional development of Iranian AZFA teachers and what effects they have.
In order to conduct this study, a mixed method was used. 20 Iranian AZFA teachers from different AZFA centers in Iran, were selected through convenience sampling. The demographic form was completed by the participants before beginning the course. All the participants participated in this project with full enthusiasm, and to fulfill the ethical requirements in conducting this study, they all completed the consent form to participate in the research. Data were collected through questionnaires, professional journals, field notes, reflective journals, action research projects, and semi-structured interviews. All stages of this study were done virtually. Since all the participants had access to the WhatsApp software, this app was selected as a communicative tool to enhance interaction between the participants and the teacher educator. Coordination of meetings, sharing slides of online classes, educational materials and videos, and introduction of resources were done in this group. The Skype platform was considered for conducting online classes. These classes were held once a week for 90 minutes. The action research course started in May 1401 and lasted until October 1401. Each session started with an introduction about the topic by the researcher and then the participants shared their experiences with the rest of the participants in the meeting. After each session, the participants completed the professional journal form. After completing the course, the participants completed the reflective journal form. All the participants had to conduct an action research project in their classes and provide a report on conducting it and the results to the researcher. At the end, a semi-structured interview was conducted on WhatsApp for 15-20 minutes. 
Quantitative data was collected through Ayoubi (1393) teachers' professional development questionnaire. The participants completed this questionnaire once before and once after the course. The normality of the data was confirmed using the Skewness and Kurtosis. Therefore, Paired sample t-test was used to analyze the quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected through professional journals, reflective journals, field notes, action research projects and semi-structured interviews. These data were coded and analyzed using MAXQDA software. As a result of qualitative data analysis, finally, 7 main codes were extracted.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that implementing collaborative action research influenced teachers' metacognitive growth, emotional growth, expanding personal experiences in a practical way, scientific awareness, cultural awareness, teachers’ attitudes towards their profession, and their attitudes towards participating in the action research project.
The participants stated that participating in this course had an impact on their metacognitive growth. Self-evaluation, creativity and intellectual growth, Having a new perspective and creating new methods for teaching different skills have been reported by the participants as a result of metacognitive growth. Self-confidence increase, motivation increase, and forming friendly relationships among teachers and also between teachers and Persian language learners were instances of emotional growth.
The participants stated that, as a result of participating in the collaborative action research, their knowledge improved practically and they performed better in the class. They were prepared to face probable problems. Their ability and effort to overcome weaknesses have been increased. They paid more attention to the learning of the students and continuously evaluated their learning. As a result of scientific awareness, teachers’ studies have been increased. They got familiar with different methods of teaching and different sources and books. The results showed that teachers' focus on the culture and nationality of Persian language learners in the class has increased. They were proud of their profession. Their interest in their profession increased and they paid more attention to the value of their jobs than before. Participants also reported that they became more familiar with research and its importance in the classroom, and their enthusiasm for conducting research in the classroom increased.
As mentioned above, in this research we seek to find out whether conducting collaborative action research has an effect on the professional development of Iranian AZFA teachers and what effects they have.
 Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that conducting action research courses can lead to the professional development of Iranian AZFA teachers through scientific awareness, cultural awareness, emotional development and metacognitive development of teachers, as well as changing the attitude of teachers towards the profession and participation in the Action Research project. The finding of this study is consistent with Yigit & Bagceci (2017), Thamrin (2018), and Banegas et al (2013) who found that performing action research leads to teachers’ professional development, and helps teachers to reflect on their classroom practices and evaluate their performance. Despite traditional teacher professional development programs consisting of short-term workshops where teachers are only considered as consumers, action research can be used as an efficient and effective professional development tool, by teachers in specific classroom situations. In addition, considering the limited number of AZFA centers as well as AZFA teachers and the limited resources for teaching, holding such courses is a great help to the teachers; Especially, in centers where classes are run by a group of teachers. If such courses are held every week or month, it will be very efficient in order to manage classrooms well and integrate the teaching methods.
We would like to express our gratitude to Imam Khomeini International University for providing financial support for this study.


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