Describing and Analyzing “Farsi Biamouzim” Series within the Framework of Little John (2011)

Document Type : Research Paper



Instructional materials, which are selected based in order to design an organized syllabus, is found to facilitate learning process. The present research has taken into account the ‘material analysis’ as a process which is necessary, but not sufficient, in order to employ that for evaluating language-learning materials. Therefore, the study aims to analytically examine the underlying principles of “Farsi Biamouzim” series using content analysis with particular focus on the analysis of its assignments within the 3-step Little John’s framework (2011). The results indicated that the series provided some valuable opportunities for learners to produce their output, as well as enabled them to be independent in the process of producing language units. In addition, the book has emphasized meaning and interaction, offered authentic texts, reviewed previous outputs, contained various mental operations, useful accessibility to new words, and flexibility in learning path and class engagement. However, the series suffered from some shortcomings, among which paying insufficient attention to listening skill and integrated outputs can be mentioned. Moreover, having imperfect table of contents, and lacking continuity of subject matter have made reading skill more difficult for learners. Some other features of the series were reported as ‘providing almost all of the inputs, helping learners express their ideas/information, using English as a medium in glossaries and in teaching the alphabet, considering cultural/historical/literal subjects along with daily communication needs, and paying less attention to the writing skill’.


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