Homesickness and Social Adjustment and their Relationship in Non-Iranian Persian Learners

Document Type : Research Paper



Emotional factors have a considerable effect on the second/foreign language learning. This issue has been accentuated by Krashen's affective filter hypothesis (1982) which indicates that emotional factors can function as both a hurdle in or catalyst for learning process. The present research aims to examine the homesickness and social adjustment and their relationship in non-Iranian Persian learners in a selected group of learners at Persian Centre in Imam Khomeini International University. Doing so, 178 Persian learners (35 females and 143 males) were selected as the research sample. The Adjustment Inventory (Bell, 1961) and Homesickness Scale (van Vliet, 2001) were employed to gather data. The results showed that 12.9 % of Persian learners felt weak, 64.7% experienced mild and 22.4% had sever degree of homesickness. Moreover, it was revealed that 24.7%, 62.5%, and 12.8% of learners had low, middle and high degree of social adjustment respectively. It was also found that there was significant difference in total score of homesickness between female and male learners However, there existed no significant difference between these two groups in social adjustment. Analyzing the relationship between homesickness and social adjustment showed that there was a significant negative correlation among the total score of homesickness, subscales of ‘desire to return to homeland’ and ‘adaptation problem’ with social adjustment. Finally, some recommendations are offered in order to prevent and reduce the potential damage on campus and classrooms for teachers and staff.


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